Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday night

I can hear the Disneyland fireworks, as usual.
Janey is terrified of ceiling fans.
Hillary Duff can NOT act.
I get my new computer tomorrow!
G.K. Chesterton is amazing.
Should I write my paper on Ralph Nickleby, or Ebenezer Scrooge? Or both?
Falling asleep to the sound of the rain on the roof is lovely.
When was the last time I went running?
Work is good for me.
Too many books checked out from the library.
Martin doesn't like the new coffee cake muffin.
I watch movies that I know are lame, and I still enjoy them. Hm.
Chocolate frozen yogurt with almonds is my new combo.
What is the point of Twitter?
"Marius" and "Guenevere" are officially added to my favorite names list.
Isaiah. Enough said.
Writer's block really does exist.
But, most of all:

All is well.

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