Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm a quirky person. !Que sorpresa! Unique things about me:

-I really really love going to the dentist - especially getting fillings!
-I also really enjoy clearing dishes from tables at work, as long as I don't have to wash those dishes.
-I dig hymns.
-I absolutely hate being solicited. I don't think that's unique about me, but I hate it nonetheless.
-I get overstimulated going to Walmart and amusement parks. but not Target.
-in order to pay attention in class, I have to be working on something else while simultaneously taking notes.
-in my novel-writing, when I get writer's block, I tend to do destructive things to my characters; it is usually during these times that my characters get smallpox, sprained ankles, or limbs amputated.
-I've worn my purity ring since I was 14, and I still think it's romantic and not weird. Well maybe a little weird.
-I love the Barbie movies. And I'm not ashamed.
-I wear one necklace all the time, and I rarely take it off.
-I hate sticky things and being sticky - this hatred is genetic. I'm also borderline OCD about the cleanliness of my hands.
-I also HATE checking my voicemail. even if it's from someone I know - even if I know exactly what the message will say - I still go days without checking it.
-I carry my purple nalgene with me everywhere I go, and I drink water constantly.
-I have no desire to ever visit or live in NYC.
-I have a list of "things to buy when I have money", including a box of tools, pantyhose, the TV series Liberty's Kids on DVD, and an ice cream maker
-I only write with black pen - anything else messes up the congruency of my notes.
-I'm a sucker for a man wearing flannel
-I'm inordinately proud of my SAT scores. Ask me, and I'll tell you.
-Despite my best efforts, I hate reggae and rap.
-I don't like alcohol and have no need to "learn to like it". But I do love a good Shirley Temple!
-I still have the burning desire to learn Latin.
-I was born with two teeth. Don't know what that says about me, but there it is.
-I listen to Christmas music all year round.
-I love step aerobics classes
-I kind of have a big crush on Abraham Lincoln.
-I look forward to going to see "A Christmas Carol" at the South Coast Repertoire every year, all year. And I always cry when Scrooge realizes that he can change.
-I have the first 4 seasons of Home Improvement on DVD.
-I desperately want to be able to draw, but lack the patience to practice.
-I'll eat almost anything for breakfast, and it often grosses my family out.
-I enjoy talking with a fake lisp.
-When I read a novel, any novel, I can't turn off the English major portion of my brain - so I analyze. And highlight. There might also be sticky notes involved.
-For me there's nothing more relaxing than a movie and a puzzle.
-I tend to read books over and over again instead of reading new ones.
-I'll answer a letter (complete with pretty stationary and a wax seal) before I'll answer an email.
-I have a weird obsession with birds.

there you go. that's me, in all my weirdness.

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