Monday, October 8, 2007

It's always weird starting these things. How much information to give? How much to leave a mystery? How to start what I hope will become somewhat of a chronicle of my life? I guess the only way is to just jump right in, so here goes...

My mom came to visit me this weekend, which was WONDERFUL - I hadn't seen her since the beginning of August and won't see her again 'til December, so this was a real treat. We did a lot of talking, shopping, and relaxing, so this weekend was exactly what I needed.

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, so I don't have any classes and am trying to take the day off - ish. I'll be back in the grind soon enough, so I guess I should savour the time I have before reality hits again.

Because I'm more or less officially moving back to California at the end of this school year, and because I'm "mentally underemployed" as my mom says, I keep thinking about what my life will be like back at home. I want to find a good church to get involved in (maybe Rock Harbor), teach group exercise classes, and work towards getting my teaching credential at Cal State Fullerton. I'm sure I'll be writing a lot about that in the future as I keep dreaming, but for now I'll stick to the present.

I'm trying to motivate myself to do laundry and all of the other little chores that I left until today, but it's not working so well. I'm exhausted and quite relaxed, which are a bad combination if I want to be productive.

I should get to my homework and such, but I'm looking forward to this new way of expressing my thoughts.

"Faint hearts never won fair lady." - Robin Hood

1 comment:

kk said...


love you.